Envato Elements does not provide technical support for any items.
All items on Envato Elements are created by independent authors. Due to this and the nature of our unlimited subscription, we cannot provide direct technical support or advice on the use of items.
We do our best to ensure that items on Envato Elements are of a high quality and free of any technical issues. All our authors are carefully reviewed and maintain a track record of creating error-free, high-quality assets.
What’s included with your item
Many authors include installation instructions, help documentation, or tutorials within the zip file you downloaded to help you use the item correctly or troubleshoot common issues. However, it's important to keep in mind that this documentation is not a requirement and may not be available with every item.
From time to time, authors will release updates to their items to ensure that they are working as described, protected against major security concerns, as well as provide discretionary version updates. To access these updates, simply download your item again to get the most up-to-date version.
Item description
Each item page includes a written description of the item which may also contain important information from the author, so we encourage you to read this before downloading the item.
What’s not included with your item
Technical support
Items on Envato Elements are not supported by the author or by Envato so you will be unable to get assistance with technical questions, installation, third-party assets or direct guidance from the author.
While you will have access to the most up-to-date version of the item at all times, you won’t be notified by email when an update is available to you. We recommend that you periodically check the item page to see if an update has been released by the author.
Alternative ways to find help
While there is no support offered by the author, or Envato, for items in the Envato Elements library, there are still some avenues that you can take to find help:
- Your Envato Elements subscription includes a full Tuts+ membership so you can check out the tutorials we have on offer at Tuts+ to learn new skills to get you on your way.
- You can post a question in the project making space on our Envato Forums. This is a great resource for like-minded community members that might be able to give you advice on your particular issue.
- You can get full after-sales support directly from the author of your item by purchasing the item from Envato Market.
If you cannot successfully solve the issue, you may need to find a different item for your project. Learn more about how you can find a similar item for your project.
Purchasing your item from Envato Market
Envato Market offers a huge range of digital assets across a number of themed marketplaces that can be purchased individually. Many authors include after-sales technical support for complex items, such as themes and plugins, that they sell on Envato Market.
While Envato Market and Envato Elements are different platforms that stock different content, many items that are available to download on Envato Elements are also available to purchase on Market. This means that if you purchase the item separately on Market, you will get technical assistance directly from the author, provided that the author offers support for that item (this will be highlighted on the item page on Envato Market).
If you decide you would like support from the author, then head to Envato Market and search for the specific item. Once you’ve confirmed that it’s supported, simply purchase the item and you will be given a licence and purchase code that you can use to contact the author directly and gain access to the author’s support tools.
Reporting an item you believe is broken
In the event that an item does not work as you expect and you believe the issue is not related to your software setup or usage, please let our team know so we can investigate and take appropriate action.