What happens to my account if I cancel my Envato Elements Teams subscription?
Your account will revert to a free individual SSO account. For further information on the Envato SSO account, see this article. As an account owner, all previous team downloads and assets will be accessible in your free account.
What happens to my account if I’m removed from a seat?
Your account will revert to a free individual SSO account. You will no longer see your previous team downloads and assets. For further information on Envato SSO account, see this article. If you initially joined a team using your existing Envato Elements account and were a paid subscriber or historical subscriber, you will have visibility of previous individual downloads and licenses again.
Why do I get an error message when I click Join your team on my email invite?
You may on occasion see an error message when attempting to join a team via your email invite. Please see below for the specific error message and what action to take.
The invite has been cancelled. If this is a mistake, contact the owner of the team.
If you are seeing this error message, the owner of the team account has cancelled your pending invitation. If you think this is a mistake, contact the owner of the team.
Sorry, something went wrong. This link is invalid. Please contact the person who sent the invite for a new one.
If you’re seeing this error message, contact the team account owner to resend the invitation.
You’ve already joined the team. This link has been used already and is no longer valid.
If you’re seeing this error message, the invite has been previously accepted and the link is no longer valid.
What if I’m prompted to sign-in when I click Join your team on my email invite?
If you’re prompted to sign in, it means you have an existing Envato Elements account.
If you have a free Envato Elements account and you sign-in, you will automatically join your team.
If you have an existing active Envato Elements subscription or you're a historical subscriber with an account and you sign-in, you'll have the option to join using your existing account or create a new account. For further information on signing up to Teams, see this article.