While the Envato Elements subscription single license allows you to use items for most purposes, there are some uses which we do not allow. Below is a non-exhaustive summary of what you can't use downloaded items. For full details, make sure you read the complete license terms.
Summary of Prohibited Usage
No Redistribution of Items, Even With Modifications
Items on Envato Elements must not be redistributed (whether for free or paid) as stock, in tools or templates or with source files. You can't redistribute the item on its own or bundled with other items, even with superficial modifications. You cannot make derivatives of fonts or add-ons. Please check our FAQ for more details.
You Cannot Use Items in On-Demand, Made to Order or Build Yourself Applications
Items on Envato Elements cannot be offered in on-demand services (eg: a site where a customer customizes a design of a t-shirt for order). Whether the end result is a digital or physical product, this use is prohibited. Please check our FAQ for more details.
No Use in Merchandising Where the Main Value is the Item Itself
You cannot use an item as merchandise, where the main value (such as a t-shirt design) is the item itself. You can use items in merchandising, so long as the item is incorporated into a larger end product and/or is significantly altered.
Items Incorporated Into End-Products Cannot be Extracted or Used Separately
You cannot allow items incorporated into end products to be extracted or used separately from the end product. You must take all reasonable steps to prevent this from happening and inform any client who the project is for of their responsibilities in relation to this.
No Trademark or Service Mark Rights for Items Included Within the End Product
You can't claim trademark or service mark rights for any item which is included in the end product which uses those items. They must be excluded from any trademark or service mark rights for the end product.
One Account = One User: No Sharing of Details or Items
You cannot share your user account details with anyone else, even within the same organization or business. Items installed (such as fonts or add-ons) can only be used by you (the subscriber). You cannot transfer the font or add-on to another user (except in the case of web fonts where different terms apply).
Installation of Items on Two Devices Only & With an Active Subscription
For items which require installation (such as a font or add-on), you are allowed to install each item on up to two of your devices. You must have an active Envato Elements subscription to install these items.
Items Can Only be Used for Lawful Purposes
You can only use items for lawful purposes. Items must not be used in a material which is offensive, defamatory, pornographic, obscene or demeaning, or promotes discrimination. You can’t use items in a way that creates a fake identity, implies personal endorsement of a product by the person, or is in connection with sensitive subjects.
You Cannot Claim Ownership of an Item, Even When Included in an End Product
The owner of each Item retains ownership. You can’t claim ownership of an Item, even if it has been modified.