Envato users and members of the public can report illegal content. Please use the "Report Illegal Content" form in the Help Center to inform us about this kind of content.
Here is what you need to provide:
- URL of the content: The specific link to the content in question.
- Reason for reporting: A detailed explanation of why you believe the content is illegal. This may include specifying the country or region where you believe the content violates the law and, if possible, citing the specific law or regulation.
- Additional information: Any other details that might help us identify and assess the content.
- Your contact information: Your name and email address.
Before you submit your report, you'll have the chance to confirm that all the information you've provided is accurate and complete! We take all reports of illegal content seriously and will investigate them thoroughly.
Repeatedly submitting unfounded reports may temporarily suspend your reporting privileges.
For copyright or intellectual property reports please refer to our Envato Intellectual Property Policy on what you can do and how we can help.